The first issue of The California Nugget after I became the new editor was published in January. In theory, the second issue should have come out in May, but between my house sale and move to Oregon, and the layout person's busy summer schedule (including a trip to see the eclipse), we slipped. The finals went to the printer last week, and they should be in the mail by now. With the issue being published so late in the year, there will only be the two issues this year (which worked better logistically for CGS anyway).
The new column about genealogical methods might look like it's by a different author because of a name change. Rondina recently married and is now Rondina P. Wallace (and still a CG). Her column this issue is on things to think about when using derivative records.
The lead article is by Barry E. Hinman and delves into the life of his ancestor Joel Burlingame, the father of the man for whom the city in California was named. Joel lived during most of the 19th century, and Barry used a family narrative to show how Joel's life reflects what was going on in the United States at the time. This article is a two-parter, with the second half coming in the next issue.
Another first-run article in this issue is by Bill Chapman of the UK, who has been studying the history of Esperanto. He found several California residents in the early 20th century who were listed in Esperanto contact directories. Perhaps you'll find one of your relatives in the list?
The remaining articles are being reprinted from other publications, because they are great pieces and most members of the California Genealogical Society have probably not seen them previously. Norm Ishimoto wrote a wonderful story about his mother and her career as a professional costumer, which was published in the Froghorn of another CGS, the Calaveras Genealogical Society. Vinnie Schwarz's article on her discovery that her great-great-grandmother was a woman of color in Louisiana appeared in The Baobab Tree, the quarterly journal of the African American Genealogical Society of Northern California. (Both of these also are multipart articles that will continue in the next issue.) And Fred Hoffman's excellent short piece about the perils of relying on machine translation was published first in Gen Dobry!, the monthly e-zine of Polish Roots.
The next issue of the Nugget is scheduled for February 2018, to coincide with the 120th anniversary founding of the California Genealogical Society (CGS). To help commemorate that milestone, I am particularly seeking articles and short items having to do with people and events in 1898. If you are a CGS member and someone in your family was hatched, matched, or dispatched (born, married, or died) that year, send a message with the relevant information, and I will include it in a special calendar. If something significant happened in your family in 1898, consider submitting an article about it. If you had a relative who was a member of CGS during the society's first few years, let me know who it was and what activities that person was involved in. Send your submissions and suggestions to
![Ancestral Discoveries](
Genealogy is like a jigsaw puzzle, but you don't have the box top, so you don't know what the picture is supposed to look like. As you start putting the puzzle together, you realize some pieces are missing, and eventually you figure out that some of the pieces you started with don't actually belong to this puzzle. I'll help you discover the right pieces for your puzzle and assemble them into a picture of your family.
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