This is the history of Emma Margaret (Schafer) Petit La Forêt. I was given a collection of documents and photos relating to her and to people connected with her by someone who thought I could do her story justice. I decided that the collection was my "treasure chest" and have been writing weekly about (mostly) one item at a time. When I have gone through everything, I plan to do additional research to answer some of the questions that have come up during the course of analyzing and discussing the documents.
Don't Look a Genealogy Gift Horse in the Mouth?
The History of Emma M. Schafer
Narrative of Emma M. Petit
Narrative of Emma M. Petit (conclusion)
1883 Marriage Certificate of Emma Schafer and Emile Petit
Emma Petit Takes Out an Insurance Policy
Emile and Emma Petit Separate
Emma Petit's Divorce Lawyer
Emma and Emile Petit's Divorce Is Finalized
Emma Receives a Copy of Her Divorce Decree
Emma Has Remarried and Is Living in Europe!
Emma La Forêt Applies for an Emergency Passport
Emma La Forêt's Emergency Passport
The Widow Emma Seeks a Pension
Emma Files a Second Pension Claim?
One of Emma's Pension Claims Moves Forward
Emma Responds with Documents
The Missing Documentation
One of the Transcriptions Wasn't Adequate
Wordless Wednesday
Emma La Foret Orders the "San Francisco Examiner"
Wordless Wednesday
Jean La Forêt Was a Teacher
Another Recommendation for Jean La Forêt's Work as a Teacher
Yet One More Recommendation for Jean La Forêt
Jean La Forêt's Diary
Jean La Forêt's Diary, part deux
Jean La Forêt's Diary, la troisième partie
Jean La Forêt's Diary, fourth section
Wordless Wednesday
Jean La Forêt's Diary, section cinq
Jean La Forêt's Diary, the finale
Wordless Wednesday
Important Birthdays in Jean La Forêt's Life
Wordless Wednesday
The Last Pages from Jean La Forêt's Journal
The Marriage Certificate of Jean La Forêt and Emma Schafer
Addresses for Emma Schafer's Siblings
Jean La Forêt's 1890 Naturalization
Jean La Forêt Receives a Postcard
Jean La Forêt Receives a Letter after the War
Two of Jean La Forêt's Letters Go around the World
Calling Cards from the Paytavins
American Consular Service Documents
Four Envelopes
Captain P. Rychner
Jean La Forêt Follows Developments in Nicaragua
An Envelope from Paris
Jean La Forêt's Service to the United States
Jean La Forêt Has a Laundry List of Ailments
Jean La Forêt Announces His Life Story and Will
Jean La Forêt Is Feeling His Age
"New Pension Legislation" That Could Affect Jean La Forêt
Another Newspaper Clipping about Pensions
Basic Information about Jean and Emma La Forêt
Jean La Forêt May Have Owned a Record Player
Jean La Forêt Is Concerned about Italian Espionage
Jean La Forêt Receives a Letter from His Daughter
A Second Letter from Adrienne La Forêt
An Insurance Policy for Rosita La Forêt
Rosita La Forêt Is Insured Again
Another Insurance Policy, Another Trip for Rosita?
A Legal Waiver from Louis Curdt
A Surprise Trove about Louis Curdt and Family
Emile Petit Answers Questions about Events in Missouri
Discussion of the John Schafer Estate Dispute Begins
Jean La Forêt's Accounting of the Elizabeth Curdt Estate
A Note about Settling Elizabeth Curdt's Estate
Who Has How Much Land?
Estate of John Schafer and Elizabeth Walz
Revisiting Louis Curdt's Legal Waiver
Another Copy of Emile Petit's "Interrogation"
Missouri 1899 Statutes
Elizabeth Curdt's "Obituary"
Emma Writes to Her Siblings
The Curdt Siblings Respond
Notice of Final Settlement and Probate Court Docket
Fraudulent Conveyances!
Draft of a Response?
Jean La Forêt Does Land Research
Defending the League of Nations
It's a Conspiracy!
A Short Synopsis of the Beginning of the Schafer Property
The Chain of Deeds for the Schafer Property
John Schafer Buys Property of the Late John Smith

Genealogy is like a jigsaw puzzle, but you don't have the box top, so you don't know what the picture is supposed to look like. As you start putting the puzzle together, you realize some pieces are missing, and eventually you figure out that some of the pieces you started with don't actually belong to this puzzle. I'll help you discover the right pieces for your puzzle and assemble them into a picture of your family.
I hope that's a good "ok" .