This list includes my family's first event recorded in Asia. Peter Marshall was in Shanghai not as a missionary but as a representative of the Australia and China Telgraph Company. He and his wife were buried in Bubbling Well Road Cemtery in Shanghai.
Harry John Sellers, son of Charles Andrew Sellers and Emma Hengstler, was born February 1, 1903 in Allen or Auglaize County, Ohio. He is my 5th cousin 2x removed.
Evelyn Golub, daughter of Harry Golub (originally Golubchik) and Dora Sorin, was born February 1, 1934 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. She is my 3rd cousin once removed on my Meckler line through the Golubs.
Rodney Keith Sellers, son of Loren Floyd Sellers and Dorothy Eilene Crawford, was born February 1, 1947 in Lima, Allen County, Ohio. He is my 6th cousin once removed.
Dean Frederick, son of Walter Henry Frederick and Rachel Lavina Gaunt, was born February 1, 1953. He is my 6th cousin through the Gaunts.
Francine H. Spencer was born February 1, 1964. She is my 5th cousin once removed through my Gauntt lines.
Robin Carter was born February 1, 1966. She is my 5th cousin 2x removed through my Gauntt line.
Neil Allen Rhoades was born February 1, 1988 in Seattle, Kings County, Washington. He is my 7th cousin once removed through my Sellers line.
Ruston Anthony Fettig was born February 1, 1991 in Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. He is my 2nd cousin 2x removed through my Gauntt line.
Miriam Myra Sellers was born February 1, 2014 in Baltimore City, Maryland. She is my niece, and I am a bad aunt, because I forgot to send her a birthday card.
James Gauntt, son of Hananiah Selah Gaunt and Abigail Atkinson, and Amelia Gibson, daughter of John Gibson and Mary, were married on February 1, 1851 in Westhampton Township, Burlington County, New Jersey. They are my great-great-grandparents.
David Sellers, son of George Sellers and Eleanor Wallick, and Elsie Robinson were married on February 1, 1862 in Independence, Buchanan County, Iowa. David is my 4th cousin 3x removed.
Selah Benjamin Gaunt, son of Benjamin Selah Gaunt and Hannah Ann Peters, and Amelia Taggert were married on February 1, 1868 in Vincentown, Burlington County, New Jersey. Selah is my 1st cousin 3x removed.
Max Stewart and Florence Meckler, daughter of Moshe Meckler and Mushe Zelda Nowicki, were married on February 1, 1976 in Westlake Village, Los Angeles County, California. Florence is my maternal grandaunt.
Samuel Holsinger, son of David Holsinger and Lydia Mack, died February 1, 1821 at the age of 14 1/2 months, possibly in Franklin County, Pennsylvania. He is my 2nd cousin 5x removed.
Polly Mack, daughter of William Mack and Agnes Gantz, died February 1, 1865 at the age of 65 in Yellow Creek, Bedford County, Pennsylvania. She is my 1st cousin 6x removed.
Emma Hengstler died February 1, 1903 in Allen or Auglaize County, Ohio in conjunction with the birth of Harry John Sellers (above). She was married to Charles Andrew Sellers, son of Henry Sellers and Lavina Danner, who is my 4th cousin 3x removed.
Peter Marshall died February 1, 1922 at the age of 52 in Shanghai, China. He was married to Elizabeth Jaudon Sellers, daughter of David Wampole Sellers and Anna Frances Jaquett, who is my 4th cousin 3x removed.
Mary Mack, daughter of John Mack and Mary Woolsey, died February 1, 1934 at the age of 88, possibly in Ohio. She is my 3rd cousin 4x removed.
Mary Jane Gaunt, daughter of James Knox Polk Gaunt and Sarah Naomi Boone, died February 1, 1957 at the age of 72 in Santa Cruz County, California. She is my 3rd cousin 3x removed.
Julian Saul Perlman, son of Abraham Sam Perlman (originally Perlmutter) and Stella Joffe, died February 1, 1997 at the age of 50 in Manhattan, New York County, New York. He is my 3rd cousin once removed through my Nowicki line.

Genealogy is like a jigsaw puzzle, but you don't have the box top, so you don't know what the picture is supposed to look like. As you start putting the puzzle together, you realize some pieces are missing, and eventually you figure out that some of the pieces you started with don't actually belong to this puzzle. I'll help you discover the right pieces for your puzzle and assemble them into a picture of your family.
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