Friday, May 31, 2024

My Father's Photos for World Bongo Day

As I have written previously, last October I received a huge photo bonanza from my sister in the form of scans of many (all?) of the photos that were collected from my father's house after he passed away in 2019.  I'm still(!) sorting through them all, but I have been able to somewhat sort some into little groups based on the subjects.

A lot of the photos seem to have been taken at a zoo or animal park, as they show animals in enclosures.  I did not recognize what species some of the animals were, so I went hunting around on the Internet for answers.

A few photos showed some kind of deer-looking animal, which I think I have identified it as a bongo.  Today, May 31, is World Bongo Day, so that seemed an appropriate day to share these photos that my father took.  I didn't know about the bongo before investigating these photos, so I am a little more educated now.  I haven't figured out the birds or the other animals in the photos yet, though.

These are yet more photos that I don't know where or when they were taken, as my father was more than a little remiss in labeling his work.  I keep hoping someone will at least be able to figure out the location.  My best guess for these is the Florida Panhandle, probably near Fort Walton Beach.

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