Wednesday, January 15, 2025

My 14th Blogiversary!

Today is my 14th blogiversary — the 14th anniversary of the day that I began my blog.  And it's amazing to me that I am still writing a blog!  Me, the person who hates to write.  So I started thinking about why I am still doing it.

It comes down to the fact that I like to tell stories.  Admittedly, I prefer saying them to writing them, but I don't reach as many people that way.  And writing is in many ways a more permanent method of sharing them.

Yes, I know that the Internet is a very impermanent thing.  What's here today can be gone tomorrow, and often is.  But I download and save my blog (semi)regularly, and blogs have a tendency to stay around even after they've been abandoned by their authors.  So I think it'll hang around for a while.

And I have been able to share!  I discovered that several of my family members actually read my posts and sometimes even comment on them.  Plus some of my genealogy colleagues do also.  Occasionally random people find me and have something to add.

In some ways having the blog isn't that difficult, because I can write about anything I want.  But in some ways it is, because I actually have to sit down and write.  I have lots of ideas, but during the past few years I've had many health issues, and they've often interfered with the process of getting the idea onto the computer.  I think I'm finally coming out of that now, and last year I wrote more than the two previous years combined.  I was able to complete the series about births, marriages, and deaths in my family.  And I still have even more things I want to write about and more research to do!

Like all writers, I have posts that work and that people respond to, and others that seem to just fade into the background.  But that's the nature of the beast.  I'm happy when I get those responses, but I don't allow myself to be crushed when I don't.

And it wouldn't be my blogiversary if I didn't mention Lisa Hork Gorrell, who started her blog on the same day I did, lo these many years ago.  Congratulations, Lisa!  We're both still writing!

"14" image by b0red and used under the Pixabay Content License.


  1. Happy blogiversary and I always read even when I don't always comment. Looking forward to your future posts!

    1. Thank you, Marian! I appreciate your support even when you don't comment.

  2. Congratulations! Isn't it great we both are still going strong?

    1. Thank you! I think it's fantastic! Of course, it could mean that we're both just stubborn. :)

    2. I apologize, Lisa, I should have linked to Mam-ma's Southern Family at!

  3. Congratulations!! My eleventh blogiversary is in April and, like you, I can hardly believe that there is still more and more to write. So glad that you have stuck with it all these years and that you still have stories to tell.

    1. Happy early blogiversary to you! I have begun to suspect that, just as we never run out of family to research, we will never run out of stories to write.


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