Wednesday, October 17, 2012

San Francisco Special Interest Group

Researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area who actually had relatives in San Francisco now have a new resource.  A San Francisco special interest group (SIG) was formed in August at the California Genealogical Society (CGS).  The group will look at records and research strategies for San Francisco city and county, both prior to and after the 1906 earthquake and fire.  The primary research guide is Raking the Ashes: Genealogical Strategies for Pre-1906 San Francisco, by Nancy Peterson.

The group meets on the third Saturday of every month, so the next meeting is this coming Saturday, October 20.  Meetings are held at the CGS library, 2201 Broadway Suite LL2, Oakland, California from 10:00-11:30 a.m.  Though CGS charges nonmembers a $5 fee to use the library, the SIG meeting is free to all attendees.  Anyone wishing to stay after the meeting and use the library will be subject to the nonmember fee.

Sandra Britt-Huber is the coordinator of the San Francisco SIG.  If you have questions about the group or want to let her know you will be coming to a meeting, send her a message at

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